Sep 9Liked by Mack Collier

As someone who's been slowly growing their presence on Substack, I've been fortunate enough to avoid major criticism so far, but I welcome it. It has already happened for me on Medium, and honestly, it falls into 2 categories. (the criticism I can work with and try to understand). These people aim to annoy me, and when they realize it's not working, they start supporting my work. Then we have the trolls who need more French fries in their lives, lol

Growth brings opportunities but also attracts negativity. I love how you framed it: "Everyone loves you when you aren't monetizing your efforts. The second that changes, some people will be pissed." It's such a simple truth, but one that's easy to forget when you're in the thick of it.

Thanks for sharing your experiences and wisdom Mack!

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I definitely need more French fries in my life 😫

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I have had a few Russian trolls get upset with me over in Medium because they do not like I tend to favor Ukraine over their country. Its part of game

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Sep 15Liked by Mack Collier

Hey Stephen,

Sorry that happened.

Let me guess.

Are they anonymous?

I report and block.

People are so not worth it.

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Nah, they use their profile, it is obvious they work for one of the Russian troll farms in Moscow or St Petersburg because of the obviously weird comments they make, like they are working from a script or something.

I tend not to block unless they get real obnoxious.

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Sep 15Liked by Mack Collier

Good for you Stephen.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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You too Neela :)

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Thankfully, I don’t think I’ll need to worry about trolls anytime soon! I really appreciate you pointing out that whenever an argument breaks out online, there’s always a third party silently observing. How we choose to handle criticism ultimately shapes the kind of community we’re building. It’s a great reminder to keep the bigger picture in mind during these interactions.

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Well said, my friend! Thank you for commenting and sharing your POV.

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Sep 16Liked by Mack Collier

Thank goodness, the 101 guide I was looking for!! ;)

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Haha, thank you Nadine!

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Mack Collier

In general, I try not to get in it to it with people on Medium or Substack, every once in a while, I do, I save that for X\Twitter.lol. If you want to debate\argue with me, I am all for that and respect that, but you better make an argument. You bring it to me I will return fire.

I want people to critique me, be constructive and not be a dick about it. I want to improve my craft.

I enjoyed the post Mack :)

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Hi Stephen, and thank you. I always go with people disagreeing via being disagreeable. Like you, I am fine with people that want to debate but I have no tolerance for people that want to argue. I would still be on Twitter if I did :). Have a great weekend!

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Sep 9Liked by Mack Collier

Mate, great share! Some of the trolling sentiments you describe fall into what we in Australia call the 'tall poppy syndrome' and I know that in Japan, there's a phrase that translates roughly to 'the nail that sticks out will get hammered down'.

I really like your framing of the 3 sides as well, especially because being able to cultivate that practice also helps elevate a level of self-awareness and humility.

My only 'yes, and' perspective to chip in is that in looking at the side of the trolls, so often we can start to see that the issues aren't about us, it's ultimately about them. Whether it's a sense of jealousy or frustration (at their lack of progress / success), there's often a real projection of their shortcomings that shine through the trolling. Understanding and practicing this type of empathy has helped me weather criticisms and attacks online and in person.

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Thanks Scott! I saw someone say something like “If someone doesn’t know me personally, why would I take what they say about me personally?” I try to remember that and I do agree that the behavior of trolls says more about them than it does us. Well said.

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Mack I got to share this with you. I came across some Zen Buddhist OG trolling between two poets that takes the cake:

Su Dongpo was an avid student of Buddhist teachings. He was quick-witted and humorous; as a Zen Buddhism follower he was very serious and self-disciplined. He often discussed Buddhism with his [master], Zen Master Foyin. The two lived across the river from one another… One day, Su Dongpo felt inspired and wrote the following poem:

“I bow my head to the heaven within heaven

Hairline rays illuminating the universe

The eight winds cannot move me

Sitting still upon the purple golden lotus"

The ‘eight winds’ in the poem referred to praise, ridicule, honor, disgrace, gain, loss, pleasure and misery – interpersonal forces of the material world that drive and influence the hearts of men. Su Dongpo was saying that he has attained a higher level of spirituality, where these forces no longer affect him.

Impressed by himself, Su Dongpo sent a servant to hand-carry this poem to Foyin. He was sure that [the master] would be equally impressed. When Foyin read the poem, he immediately saw that it was both a tribute to the Buddha and a declaration of spiritual refinement. Smiling, the Zen Master wrote “fart” on the manuscript and had it returned to Su Dongpo.

Su Dongpo was expecting compliments and a seal of approval. When he saw “fart” written on the manuscript, he was shocked . He burst into anger: “How dare he insult me like this? Why that lousy old monk! He’s got a lot of explaining to do!”

Full of indignation, he rushed out of his house and ordered a boat to ferry him to the other shore as quickly as possible. He wanted to find Foyin and demand an apology. However, Foyin’s door closed. On the door was a piece of paper, for Su Dongpo. The paper had following two lines:

“The eight winds cannot move me

One fart blows me across the river.”

Src: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/monkeymind/2019/01/of-farts-the-form-of-mountains-the-flights-of-geese-thinking-of-the-zen-poet-su-dongpo.html

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That's hilarious!

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Firstly, wow that you have a book deal. Amazing! What’s the book?

Secondly, sorry that you had to deal with that.

Thirdly, great advice, I like the idea of thinking about 3 sides to every story. Now where are my trolls at? 👹

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Thank you Selda, here's my book - https://mackcollier.com/think-like-a-rock-star-book-preview/

And your trolls are coming, you are growing too fast. But we are ready for them ;)

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Thanks Mack!

Great landing page!

Is it true that if you write a book, you get lots of opportunities coming to you out of nowhere?

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Author

Thank you! You can get more opportunities. It really depends on how you promote and market yourself. I noticed with my book that I had a lot more events reaching out to me wanting me to speak in the 6 months before my book came out, and in the 6-12 months after it was launched.

It did help me get more consulting work, but not as much as I was expecting.

Writing a book definitely helps you establish your expertise around the topic, especially if it's non-fiction. One thing to keep in mind is you will have to handle the marketing for the book. Even if you go with a traditional publisher.

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Thank you! I appreciate your insight!

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You're welcome Selda! Are you wanting to write a book? If so, happy to help if you ever have any questions, just shoot a reply or DM.

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Thanks Mack, I appreciate it! I have written a manuscript and I’m trying to find the right name for it! I might need to recruit you for some feedback!

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Mack, the text is excellent; you have a constructive approach to troll nonsense. But when I thought the text was finished, you put a smile on my face with the last sentence! Thank you! So, I’ll have your back, too!

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Thank you, my friend, always have your back as well! Have a wonderful week!

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Thank you! You too, Mack!

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Trolls are everywhere. They are often bullies and I find that it is best to block them.

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I agree, Zail. I always have an itchy Block finger :)

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I’m late to reading this one, but always love the great insight Mack! Being so new to substack I haven’t had any blatant haters yet but I know they’re out there and it’s only a matter of time before they find me.

I used to take criticism so poorly when I was younger, even when I didn’t even respond I would internalize it and think about it way more than I should have. Somewhere along the way I learned to not give out as many f*cks when people didn’t deserve them. Mark Manson is the one who I credit with enlightening me to the idea that you only have so many f*cks to give out in your lifetime, so if you’re going to respond to a hater, you better make it a good response!

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